The project aims to create an e-store and integrate it into the existing resource management system to increase sales volumes and revenue.
Deploying customer self-service solutions will ensure lower management costs and a more convenient ordetring process for our customers, thus increasing company revenue.
To help improve customer service with e-commerce, we will automate the internal processes of company communication with customers, without which we cannot provide support to customers on the website, thereby improving the company’s working culture, increasing managerial efficiency, and implementing accounting and control of all orders received (placed on the E-commerce system or at the company’s employees).
The project is financed from the European Regional Development Fund and is carried out under measure 13.1.1-LVPA-K-860 “E-Commerce Model COVID-19” of the Investment Action Programme of the Lithuanian European Union Funds 2014-2020 “Promotion of and Preparedness for the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic” as a response of the European Union to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The total value of the project is EUR 66 300,00, of which EUR 49.725,00 comes from the European Regional Development Fund.
Start of project – 2022-02
Completion of project – 2023-02
Project developer: MB Akasys